Without the roots of winter, there would be no flowers in spring.
Many Northwesterners believe that if they plant in the fall, those plants won't survive the winter. In truth, the cool temperatures and increased rain make planting and transplanting in the fall less stressful for the plant than in spring or summer.
Below are a few tips that will help your fall planting be more successful.
It’s all about the roots.
In spring and summer, plants focus their growth above ground. In fall and winter, plants slow their above-ground growth, seemingly becoming dormant, but underground they are working hard at expanding their root systems. Fall-planted trees, shrubs, and perennials develop strong, established root systems throughout winter making them more robust and resilient than when planted in spring. They will be ready to explode with above-ground growth when spring arrives.
Plant before the freeze.
This seems obvious because it is. Who wants to be out in the freezing cold digging in snow and frozen ground? The problem is, when we have plants we wish to transplant or plants in pots, it’s easy to put things off. Plants are more insulated in the ground than above it so don’t procrastinate. Get them in the ground even if you are not sure of their final destination.
Water is still important.
Fall and winter bring a lot of rain so we tend not to think about watering. In most cases that is true, but winter does bring dry spells and wind which dries the soil. Plantings under large evergreens or eaves may also be drier than those out in the open. Periodically check your soil to make sure it is moist several inches down. If not, add some water.
Make a mulch blanket.
Fall and winter temperatures can have wide swings which can be a bit hard on roots. Covering the soil with a blanket of mulch will help insulate your plantings from temperature swings. It will also help suppress cool-season weeds. Remember not to bury your perennials and keep the mulch away from the trunks and crowns of trees and shrubs.
Stake trees.
Winds and winter come hand-in-hand. It’s a smart idea to stake fall-planted trees to give them a bit more stability. Be careful not to tie them too tightly so some movement can occur. To learn more about how to stake trees, watch this video from the International Society of Arboriculture: CLICK HERE
Don’t fertilize.
Strong root growth is the goal for fall plantings. Fertilizer will make plants more inclined to grow above ground, not below. It’s more effective to wait until spring to fertilize.
Don’t prune.
It’s advisable not to prune newly planted plants no matter what the season. Only prune established plants or remove broken or dead branches from newly planted ones.
October and November are still great months to do some planting. If you are interested in knowing some of our favorite winter plants, read the article HERE.
Fall is also a suitable time to landscape the entire yard. Contact us here if you would like a LANDSCAPE CONSULTATION.